Clion Platformio Serial Monitor

  1. Clion Platformio Serial Monitor Keyboard

In the file platformio.ini use: monitorspeed instead of monitorbaud. Monitorbaud option is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use monitorspeed instead. For example: monitorspeed = 115200 👍. PlatformIO for CLion¶. The CLion is a cross-platform C/C IDE for Linux, OS X, and Windows. CLion includes such features as a smart editor, code generation, code quality assurance, automated refactorings, on-the-fly code analysis, project manager, integrated version control systems and debugger. Arduino CLion setup. This is a tutorial on how to setup your environment to develop in CLion IDE for arduino. Ant; platformio; python-pip; IntelliJ Plugin Serial Monitor; Setup. Install platformio via python-pip. Run in your application folder: platformio init -ide clion -board%type% For example: platformio init -ide clion.

Clion platformio serial monitor
  • PlatformIO Core 3.6.7

    • PIO Unified Debugger: improved debugging in debug_load_mode = modified and fixed an issue with useless project rebuilding
    • Project Generator: fixed a VSCode C/C++'s 'Cannot find' warning when CPPPATH folder does not exist
    • Fixed an 'IndexError: list index out of range' for Arduino sketch preprocessor (issue #2268)
    • Fixed an issue when invalid 'env_default' in 'platformio.ini' (Project Configuration File) results into unhandled errors (issue #2265)
  • PlatformIO Core 3.6.6

    • Project Generator: fixed a warning 'Property !!! WARNING !!! is not allowed' for VSCode (issue #2243)
    • Fixed an issue when PlatformIO Build System does not pick up 'mbed_lib.json' files from libraries (issue #2164)
    • Fixed an error with conflicting declaration of a prototype (Arduino sketch preprocessor)
    • Fixed 'FileExistsError' when platformio ci command is used in pair with --keep-build-dir option
    • Fixed an issue with incorrect order of project 'include' and 'src' paths in CPPPATH (issue #1914)
  • PlatformIO Core 3.6.5

    • Project Generator: added new targets for CLion IDE 'BUILD_VERBOSE' and 'MONITOR' (serial port monitor) (issue #359)
    • Fixed an issue with slow updating of PlatformIO Core packages on Windows
    • Fixed an issue when platformio ci recompiles project if --keep-build-dir option is passed (issue #2109)
    • Fixed an issue when $PROJECT_HASH template was not expanded for the other directory ***_dir options in 'platformio.ini' (Project Configuration File) (issue #2170)
  • PlatformIO Core 3.6.4

    • Improved Project Generator for IDEs:
      • Use full path to PlatformIO CLI when generating a project (issue #1674)
      • CLion: Improved project portability using '${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}' instead of full path
      • Eclipse: Provide language standard to a project C/C++ indexer (issue #1010)
    • Fixed an issue with incorrect detecting of compatibility (LDF) between generic library and Arduino or ARM mbed frameworks
    • Fixed 'Runtime Error: Dictionary size changed during iteration' (issue #2003)
    • Fixed an error 'Could not extract item...' when extracting TAR archive with symbolic items on Windows platform (issue #2015)
  • PlatformIO Core 3.6.3

    • Ignore *.asm and *.ASM files when building Arduino-based library (compatibility with Arduino builder)
    • Fixed spurious project's 'Problems' for PlatformIO IDE for VSCode when ARM mbed framework is used
    • Fixed an issue with a broken headers list when generating '.clang_complete' for Emacs (issue #1960)
  • PlatformIO Core 3.6.2

    • Improved IntelliSense for PlatformIO IDE for VSCode via passing extra compiler information for C/C++ Code Parser (resolves issues with spurious project’s “Problems”)
    • Fixed an issue with VSCode IntelliSense warning about the missed headers located in includefolder
    • Fixed incorrect wording when initializing/updating project
    • Fixed an issue with incorrect order for library dependencies CPPPATH (issue #1914)
    • Fixed an issue when Library Dependency Finder (LDF) does not handle project src_filter (issue #1905)
    • Fixed an issue when Library Dependency Finder (LDF) finds spurious dependencies in chain+and deep+ modes (issue #1930)
  • PlatformIO Core 3.6.1

    • Generate an include and test directories with a README file when initializing a new project
    • Support in-line comments for multi-line value (<span>lib_deps</span>, <span>build_flags</span>, etc) in “platformio.ini” (Project Configuration File)
    • Added <span>$PROJECT_HASH</span> template variable for build_dir. One of the use cases is setting a global storage for project artifacts using PLATFORMIO_BUILD_DIR system environment variable. For example, <span>/tmp/pio-build/$PROJECT_HASH</span> (Unix) or <span></span> (Windows)
    • Improved a loading speed of PIO Home “Recent News”
    • Improved PIO Unified Debugger for “mbed” framework and fixed issue with missed local variables
    • Introduced “Release” and “Debug” Build Configurations
    • Build project in “Debug Mode” including debugging information with a new >span###debug target using platformio run command or targets option in <span>platformio.ini</span>. The last option allows avoiding project rebuilding between “Run/Debug” modes. (issue #1833)
    • Process <span>build_unflags</span> for the cloned environment when building a static library
    • Report on outdated 99-platformio-udev.rules (issue #1823)
    • Show a valid error when the Internet is off-line while initializing a new project (issue #1784)
    • Do not re-create “.gitignore” and “.travis.yml” files if they were removed from a project
    • Fixed an issue when dynamic build flags were not handled correctly (issue #1799)
    • Fixed an issue when <span>pio</span> <span>run</span> <span>-t</span> <span>monitor</span> always uses the first <span>monitor_port</span> even with multiple environments (issue #1841)
    • Fixed an issue with broken includes when generating <span>.clang_complete</span> and space is used in a path (issue #1873)
    • Fixed an issue with incorrect handling of a custom package name when using platformio lib install or platformio platform install commands
  • PlatformIO Core 3.6.0

    • Program Memory Usage
      • Print human-readable memory usage information after a build and before uploading
      • Print detailed memory usage information with 'sections' and 'addresses' in verbose mode
      • Check maximum allowed 'program' and 'data' sizes before uploading/programming (issue #1412)
    • PIO Unit Testing:
      • Documented Project Shared Code
      • Force building of project source code using test_build_project_src option
      • Fixed missed UNIT_TEST macro for unit test components/libraries
    • Check package structure after unpacking and raise error when antivirus tool blocks PlatformIO package manager (issue #1462)
    • Lock interprocess requests to PlatformIO Package Manager for install/uninstall operations (issue #1594)
    • Fixed an issue with PIO Remote when upload process depends on the source code of a project framework
    • Fixed an issue when srcFilter field in library.json breaks a library build (issue #1735)
  • PlatformIO Core 3.5.4

    • Improved removing of default build flags using build_unflags option (issue #1712)
    • Export LIBS, LIBPATH, and LINKFLAGS data from project dependent libraries to the global build environment
    • Don't export CPPPATH data of project dependent libraries to framework's build environment (issue #1665)
    • Handle 'architectures' data from '' manifest in lib_compat_mode = strict
    • Added workaround for Python SemVer package's issue #61 with caret range and pre-releases
    • Replaced conflicted 'env' pattern by 'sysenv' for 'platformio.ini' Dynamic Variables' (issue #1705)
    • Removed 'date&time' when processing project with platformio run command (issue #1343)
    • Fixed issue with invalid LD script if path contains space
    • Fixed preprocessor for Arduino sketch when function returns certain type (issue #1683)
    • Fixed issue when platformio lib uninstall removes initial source code (issue #1023)
  • PlatformIO 3.5.3

    • PlatformIO Home - interact with PlatformIO ecosystem using modern and cross-platform GUI:
      • 'Recent News' block on 'Welcome' page
      • Direct import of development platform's example
    • Simplify configuration for PIO Unit Testing: separate main program from a test build process, drop requirement for #ifdef UNIT_TEST guard
    • Override any option from board manifest in Project Configuration File 'platformio.ini' (issue #1612)
    • Configure a custom path to SVD file using debug_svd_path option
    • Custom project description which will be used by PlatformIO Home
    • Updated Unity tool to 2.4.3
    • Improved support for Black Magic Probe in 'uploader' mode
    • Renamed 'monitor_baud' option to 'monitor_speed'
    • Fixed issue when a custom lib_dir was not handled correctly (issue #1473)
    • Fixed issue with useless project rebuilding for case insensitive file systems (Windows)
    • Fixed issue with build_unflags option when a macro contains value (e.g., -DNAME=VALUE)
    • Fixed issue which did not allow to override runtime build environment using extra POST script
    • Fixed 'RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded' for library manager (issue #1528)

Clion Platformio Serial Monitor Keyboard

  1. Thanks to the PlatformIO plugin, I finally feel like I'm getting my money's worth! Every year for the last few years I've been struggling to justify extending my annual subscription: I just didn't feel that JetBrains was making enough progress on its promise of better embedded development in CLion.
  2. 上次用烦了keil写stm32,Clion马上给俺整了个2019.1更新,直接整合了stm32CubeMX,从此抛弃keil.详见: 最近毕设选择了用esp32,然后用platformIO来做为开发平台.(不得不说,platformIO真不愧是新时代嵌入式开发神器啊,感觉嵌入式开发的体验一下子进入了21世纪.真心劝没有了解过的小伙伴们了解一下.