Microsoft Monthview Control 6 0 Is Missing

These are VB6 controls and are not native to VBA environment. To install the Montview Control and Datetime Picker, we need to set a reference to Microsoft MonthView Control 6.0 (SP4) which can only be accessed by elevated registration of mscomct2.ocx. Similarly for mscal.ocx and mscomctl.ocx. Looking over the Code and Forms it does look like my MS Progress Bar 6.0 control I was using is now missing and failing to compile. I guess I'll start with commenting out all that and see about finding a proper progress bar that works for both 32 and 64 bit. Mainstream Support for Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 ended on March 31, 2005. However, we are releasing this non-security related package because it contains improvements that were ready for release just prior to the end of Mainstream Support. Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 has transitioned to Extended Support which runs through March 31, 2008.

In the posting “Insert a Drop Down Calendar Menu In Excel – Choose a Date!” one of the steps requires that you select the Microsoft Date & Time Picker Control 6.0 (SP4).

Microsoft Monthview Control 6 0 Is MissingMicrosoft

Looking for it? Trying to figure out where to download it from? If it is not installed on your system you can download it here.

To unzip a CAB file simply follow the directions in the posting “A Free Alternative to Winzip or WinRar: 7-Zip”

Once the file is unzipped simply run the MSCOMCT2.BAT batch file!



Tags7-ZipCalendarDateDrop DownExcelMicrosoftTimewinrarwinzip

Excel Monthview Control
