Sql Developer Mac Os Java

Sql Developer Mac Os Java

postingan berikut mendokumentasikan error dan problem solving yang saya alami ketika melakukan instalasi oracle SQL Devoloper

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Sql Developer Mac Os Java

Installing Oracle SQL Developer To interact with an Oracle Database Server as a developer, you will need to use the Oracle SQL Developer software. This software is available free of charge from Oracle for Windows, Macintosh and Linux operating systems. Oracle SQL Developer requires the Java Development Kit (JDK) to run. Now that you have explored the basics, you are ready to see how you can make your app better with SQL Server. In this module we will show you a simple example of Columnstore Indexes and how they can improve data processing speeds. Columnstore Indexes can achieve up to 100x better performance on analytical workloads and up to 10x better data compression than traditional rowstore indexes. SQL Developer runs this which checks for java 9 then 8. We don't yet support (lack of a ton of testing) java 10. You went to new for us. Back up to 8 or 9 and should be fine.

OS : Windows 7 64bit

database : oracle 10g

JDK : 1.6 .0_21, 64 bits

Proses terjadi Error
Dalam tahap instalasi, pertama kali kita diminta untuk memasukkan lokasi/path JDK kita:

setelah itu muncul pesan Error bahwa Oracle SQL Developer tidak dapat menjalankan msvcr71.dll dengan pesan Error “Oracle SQL Developer Unable To Launch The Java Virtual Machine”

Mac Os Mojave


masalah tersebut muncul karena Oracle SQL Developer tidak suport dengan JDK 64bit. to solve this problem we ca just install a 32bit/x64 JDK. ya, solusinya memanglah sesimple itu 😀

setelah JDK 32bit terinstall, lakukan konfigurasi sqldeveloper.conf untuk mengarahkan Java Home: kearah JDK 32bit tersebut
file konfigurasi: “sqldeveloperbinsqldeveloper.conf”

done 🙂

Hope that helps

After upgrading to macOS Big Sur I couldn’t run Oracle SQL Developer. I got the following error: The application “SQLDeveloper.app” can’t be opened

To resolve this issue I got help from Kris Rice and Niels de Bruijn. The issue is caused by Apple and the Java applet plugin.

Here’s how I got SQL Developer working:

List your Java Versions

Sql Developer Mac Os Java Installer

The one that caused the problem is the 'Oracle Corporation' - 'Java' /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home and you’ll need to remove it.

Remove the Applet Plugin

Sql Developer Mac Os Java Jdk

If you run SQL Developer now it should work. I’m not sure about the side effects of removing this Java applet plugin. If I find it to be critical to other things I’ll be sure to update this post.